Standd General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

Standd, Inc.

General Terms and Conditions

Last Update: December 22, 2023



From time to time, Company may modify these GTC. Unless otherwise specified by Company, changes become effective upon renewal or 30 days after posting on the Company’s website, whichever is earlier. Customer may be required to click to accept or otherwise agree to the modified Agreement before renewing, and in any event continued use of the Service after the update will constitute Customer’s acceptance of such modifications and the updated version. If Company specifies that changes will take effect prior to Customer’s next renewal and Customer objects to such changes within 30 days after the posting, Customer may terminate the applicable Order as its sole recourse and remedy by providing prompt notice of such termination during that period.

1.         SERVICES

1.1.               Access to and Use of the Subscription Services. Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, Company will make available to Customer on a non-exclusive and non-transferable basis access and use of the Services in accordance with Company’s then-current published documentation for the Services solely for Customer’s internal purposes and any limitations or restrictions in this Agreement, including the Order. The Services may be modified and evolve over time, subject to the other provisions of this Agreement. Company will use commercially reasonable efforts to identify material changes through documentation or other means to its customers generally. Customer will (a) be responsible for connecting to and using the Services made available to it in accordance with this Agreement, (b) cooperate with Company to facilitate the provision of the Services, (c) use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Services and notify Company promptly of any such unauthorized access or use, and (d) use the Services (and related Output as defined below) only in accordance with this Agreement and applicable laws and regulations.

1.2.               Intent of the Subscription Service and Output. The Services are designed and intended to facilitate document review and management and certain diligence activities as further described in Company’s published documentation, and may use and include artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies and algorithms (“AI” and “ML”). The Services may generate or provide flags, recommendations, summaries, information, advice, and/or analysis (collectively “Output”) to facilitate or prioritize Customer’s review, management, diligence, or decision making, but are not a substitute for Customers’ independent judgement or the engagement of licensed professionals (e.g., legal, financial, tax, broker-dealer, or others). The Services and Output should not be solely relied on by Customer or its third party advisors, and may contain errors or omissions due to the nature of the Services, AI and ML, and other factors.

1.3.               Restrictions. Customer will not (and will not permit any third party to): (a) make any Services or Output available to any third party other than as contemplated by this Agreement or expressly authorized in writing by Company, (b) resell, lease, distribute, transfer or otherwise make available the Services or Output to, or for the benefit of, any third party, (c) use or access the Services (including any API relating to the Services) in any way that threatens the integrity, performance, or availability of the Services or other customers, users, or third parties, (d) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services, including any data stored or processed therein, (e) decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Services, in whole or in part, or (f) use or reference the Services to develop or offer a competing service or product.

1.4.               Ownership. Except for Customer’s limited right to access and use the Services as expressly described in this Agreement, Company owns and reserves all other rights, title, and interest in and to the Services (except for Customer Data as defined below). The Services are being made available on a strictly confidential and limited use basis. This Agreement is not an agreement of sale, and no ownership rights to the Services or any portion thereof are transferred to Customer. Any derivative works, modifications, or enhancements relating to the Services or any component thereof (whether created alone or jointly) will be solely and exclusively owned by Company. Customer hereby assigns and agrees to assign to Company any rights, title and interest in and to any feedback, suggestions, ideas, derivative works, modifications, enhancements, or improvements to the Services that Customer or its representatives provide or develop. Customer will execute and deliver (or cause its representatives to execute and deliver) any additional documents deemed reasonably necessary or appropriate to perfect, maintain, protect, or enforce Company’s rights described above and the intent of this Section.

1.5.               Third Party Open Source Materials. Certain items of software code, data, or content provided with, or needed to access or use, the Services may be subject to “open source,” “free software,” “creative common” or similar licenses (“Third Party Material”). The Third Party Material is not subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except for this Section, the disclaimer of warranties and the limitations of liability. Instead, each item of Third Party Material is licensed under the terms of the license that accompanies such Third Party Material. Nothing in this document limits Customer’s rights under, or grants Customer rights that supersede, the terms and conditions of any applicable license for the Third Party Material, including any rights to copy, modify, or distribute Third Party Material under the applicable license. If Company makes modifications to such Third Party Material and if the applicable license requires that such modifications be made available and Company does not already publish such modifications via the applicable Third Party Material community, then Company will make its modifications available on its website or as otherwise required.

1.6.               Third Party Services, including Virtual Data Rooms. The Services may depend upon, interact with, or integrate with virtual data rooms, services, applications, or websites operated by a third party (each, a “Third Party Service”). As part of the Services, Company may develop or offer access to and use of APIs that enable certain components or functions of the Services to connect to, and interact with, one or more Third Party Services. Customer may elect to use such available APIs to connect to its designated account and information processed by a Third Party Service supported by Company. If Company does not support an API to connect to a Third Party Service that Customer desires, Customer should notify Company of such circumstances, and the parties will reasonably collaborate to address such situation as mutually agreed, which may include supplemental or technical development services as described in Section 1.7 below. With respect to Third Party Services selected or designed by Customer, Customer is responsible for complying with such third party’s terms of use and paying any applicable third party fees required by that Third Party Service. Third Party Services supported by the Services (including an applicable API) are subject to change, including without limitation for factors outside of Company’s control. Customer will reasonably cooperate with Company, as requested, to facilitate integration between the Services and Third Party Services, and acknowledges that the Services may not fully function if the Third Party Service is not available or accessible. Company does not endorse or control, and hereby disclaims all liability or responsibility for, any Third Party Service. Customer may direct the Services (via an API or otherwise) to retrieve Customer Data (as defined below) processed or maintained by a Third Party Service with which Customer has a customer or user relationship, and hereby authorizes Company to do so in connection with the provision of the Services. Customer represents and warrants that it has the right to grant Company the foregoing authorization, and will provide any required supplemental consents required by the Third Party Services to facilitate the foregoing.

1.7.               Supplemental or Technical Services. As and if identified in an Order, Company will provide Customer supplemental, technical, integration, support, or development services, which may include development or maintenance of new APIs associated with Third Party Services or other mutually agreed services. These services will be deemed part of the Services and are subject to the provisions of these GTC, unless expressly provided otherwise in the applicable Order. Separate fees may apply for such services as and if provided in the applicable Order.

2.         CUSTOMER DATA.

2.1.               General. Customer acknowledges and understands that use of the Services will permit or require Customer (or its designees) to provide certain Customer related data, content, materials, and other information (“Customer Data”) to Company. Customer Data may also include information relating to third parties whom Customer is pursuing a potential transaction. As between the parties, all Customer Data will be considered proprietary to Customer. Company may use Customer Data for performing the Services or as authorized under this Agreement, and Customer is responsible for obtaining any required third party consents relating to Customer Data. Company may collect and analyze data and other information relating to the provision, use and performance of various aspects of the Services and related systems and technologies (including, without limitation, information concerning Customer Data and data or Output derived therefrom), provided that at all times Customer Data is stored and processed solely in a single tenant data processing environment and such Customer Data is isolated (virtually or logically) from other Company customer data for security purposes (“Customer Data Isolation”). Subject to Company’s compliance with the Customer Data Isolation requirement, Company may use Customer Data (i) for analytical purposes relating to the provision of the Services for Company, (ii) to monitor, improve, or expand the Services, (iii) to create aggregated or anonymized data (“De-Identified Data”), provided that such De-Identified Data is not traceable to Client, and/or (iv) to train and improve AI or ML algorithms and models for Customer’s use of the Services or improvements to such Services (“AI Learnings”), as and if applicable. De-Identified Data and AI Learnings are Company’s property and may be combined and analyzed with other Company customers’ data and learnings by Company and for general benchmarking purposes, provided that such De-Identified Data and AI Learnings are not directly traceable to Customer. For clarity, Customer Data will at all times be subject to the Customer Data Isolation requirement.

2.2.               Data Safeguards; Disaster Recovery and Continuity. Company will maintain reasonable and appropriate data safeguards and procedures designed to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of Customer Data in Company’s possession or control (“Data Safeguards”). Company may periodically maintain archives and back-ups of Customer Data in accordance with Company’s generally applicable disaster recovery and business continuity procedures and industry standards.

2.3.               Cloud Processing. Company may use or integrate with third-party cloud service providers, such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure, to access, store, and process Customer Data. Upon Customer’s reasonable request, Company will make available to Customer any audits reports or certifications that its subcontractor(s) providing hosting services generally make available to Company and its Customers, subject to Customer’s agreement to comply with any confidentiality or other terms or conditions required by such subcontractor or its auditors. Additionally, Customer acknowledges and agrees that the price at which Company could afford to offer the Service would vary if Company provided the Service other than using such cloud services, and Company shall not be responsible or liable for any act, omission or failure of any third-party cloud service provider.

2.4.               End of Term; Data Retrieval. Upon the termination or expiration of the Agreement and subject to payment of all amounts then due and owing, Company will make all Customer Data in Company’s possession or control available to Customer for electronic retrieval for a period of fourteen (14) days, and thereafter Company will delete Customer Data in Company’s possession or control promptly following written request by Customer, unless Customer Data is required to be retained by applicable law, in which case the Data Safeguards and Company’s confidentiality obligations shall remain for as long as such Customer Data is in its possession or control.


3.1.               Generally. All confidential information will be held in confidence, and the receiving party will take all steps reasonably necessary to preserve the confidentiality of the confidential information of the other party. The disclosing party’s confidential information will not be used or disclosed by the receiving party for any purpose except (a) as necessary to exercise rights or perform obligations under this Agreement, or (b) as required by law, subject to Section 3.2 below. The receiving party will limit its use of and access to the disclosing party’s confidential information to only those of its employees or representatives whose responsibilities require such use or access. The receiving party will advise all such employees and representatives, before they receive access to or possession of any of the disclosing party’s confidential information, of the confidential nature of the confidential information and require them to abide by the terms of this Section. Either party may disclose this Agreement to its actual or potential investors, acquirers, creditors, professional advisors, or attorneys who are subject to a duty of confidentiality. Company’s confidential information includes the Services and related non-public documentation.

3.2.               Legal Disclosures.  If the disclosure of information or data of the other party is requested or required by law, statute, rule, or regulation (including any subpoena or other similar form of process), the applicable party will provide the other party with written notice prior to such disclosure (to the extent permitted by applicable law) and reasonably cooperate in obtaining a protective order if requested at the requesting party’s expense. If Company is requested or authorized by Customer or required by government regulation, regulatory agency, subpoena, or other legal process to produce information, data, or personnel for testimony or interview, Customer will reimburse Company for any applicable reasonable legal or other expenses or fees relating thereto.

4.                  PAYMENTS. In consideration for the rights granted, Customer will pay to Company, without offset or deduction, the fees and expenses described in the Order (or otherwise available via the Services if no Order was executed). Excess use beyond that set out in an Order will be subject to additional fees. Unless otherwise provided, all fees will be due and payable within thirty (30) calendar days after an invoice is issued by Company, and fees may be invoiced in advance. Fees may increase annually or on each renewal term, but Company will provide notification of such increase at least thirty (30) days in advance; notification may occur via the Services or through an invoice. The fees and other amounts payable by Customer to Company do not include any taxes of any jurisdiction that may be assessed or imposed upon the Services, excluding only taxes based upon Company’s net income. Customer will directly pay any such taxes assessed. Customer will promptly reimburse Company for any taxes payable or collectable by Company (other than taxes based upon Company’s net income). All fees and other amounts paid or payable by Customer under this Agreement are non-refundable and non-cancellable, except as otherwise expressly provided. In the event that Customer’s account is overdue, Company will have the right, in addition to its remedies under this Agreement or pursuant to applicable law, to suspend Customer’s access to or use of the Services, without further notice to Customer, until Customer has paid the full balance owed, plus any interest due at the rate of 18% per annum.


5.1.               Pilot Service Disclaimer. Services identified as being provided on a pilot, beta, trial or evaluation basis (“Pilot Services”) may not be appropriate for all customers and may contain errors or omissions. Customer’s sole remedy for any defect, error or omission relating to such Pilot Service is to stop accessing or using that Pilot Service. Section 5.2 does not apply to Pilot Services.

5.2.               Limited Warranty. Company warrants that it will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Services using industry accepted practices and methodologies, including those relating to AI and ML, but does not guarantee or warrant any specific results, benefits, returns, or savings or that the Services or any Output is accurate or comprehensive. If Customer believes the Services or Output are deficient or defective, Customer will timely notify Company. Company will thereafter use good faith efforts to analyze such issue and improve the Services and Output, as and if commercially reasonable as determined in Company’s reasonable discretion.

5.3.               Disclaimer. except as expressly provided otherwise in this agreement, the Services and Output are provided “as is” and Company makes no representations or warranties, oral or written, express or implied, arising from course of dealing, course of performance, usage of trade, or otherwise, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-interference, accuracy, or non-infringement. the Services and Output are not a substitute for legal, audit, or other roles requiring a professional license or certification or for other or additional diligence, analysis, internal controls, risk management, or Otherwise.

5.4.               Indemnity. Each party will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party for any direct infringement caused by such indemnifying party’s intellectual property provided under this Agreement, including the Services in the case of Company as the indemnifying party, and Customer Data in the case of Customer as the indemnifying party. Customer is solely responsible for the results obtained from the use of the Services and Output and its reliance and decisions relating thereto. Accordingly, Customer will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Company and its officers, successors and assigns from any claim, liability, or demand relating thereto, unless arising from Company’s willful misconduct.


6.                  TERM AND TERMINATION. The initial term of the Services will be as specified in the Order, except as otherwise provided below. If an initial term is not specified in the Order, the initial term will be 1 year or as otherwise stated during registration for the Services. The term will automatically renew on an annual basis, unless a party provides the other party at least 30 days’ written notice of non-renewal or if otherwise provided in this Agreement. Either party may terminate for the uncured material breach of the other party or as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement. Any terms and conditions, including without limitation disclaimers and limitations of liability, will continue to apply after termination or expiration as necessary to give effect to the intent of this Agreement. Upon termination or expiration, Customer will cease using or access the Services and each party will return or destroy the other party’s confidential information in its possession or control. Customer will remain responsible for paying the fees for the then current subscription term, unless Customer is terminating for Company’s uncured material breach or as expressly provided otherwise.

7.                  Force Majeure. Neither party will be responsible for failure or delay of performance if caused by: an act of war, terrorism, hostility, or sabotage or other criminal attack; act of God; electrical, internet, or telecommunication interruption or outage that is not caused by the obligated party; government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any export or other license) or changes in law hindering or preventing a party’s performance; or other event outside the reasonable control of the obligated party. Each party will use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effect of a force majeure event. If such event continues for more than 20 days, either party may terminate upon written notice. This section does not excuse Customer’s obligation to pay for the Services provided.

8.                  No Export or Removal. Customer may not remove or export from the United States or allow the export or re-export of the Services, or anything related thereto, or any direct product thereof in violation of any restrictions, laws or regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, or any other United States or foreign agency or authority. As defined in FAR section 2.101, and documentation are “commercial items” and according to DFAR section 252.2277014(a)(1) and (5) are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation.” Consistent with DFAR section 227.7202 and FAR section 12.212, any use modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of such commercial software or commercial software documentation by the U.S. Government will be governed solely by the terms of this Agreement and will be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms of this Agreement.

9.                  Miscellaneous. The relationship between the parties under this Agreement is that of independent contractors and not partners, joint venturers or agents. Customer may not assign this Agreement or its rights without the prior written approval of Company. This Agreement states the entire understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes all prior proposals, marketing materials, negotiations and other written or oral communications between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. No waiver of any breach of this Agreement, will be effective unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of both parties. If any portion of any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such unenforceable portion of the provision will be deemed severed from this Agreement, the validity and enforceability of the remaining portion of the provision and the other provisions of this Agreement will not be affected or impaired, and this Agreement will be amended in order to effect, to the maximum extent allowable by law, the original intent of such provision. This Agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware excluding choice of law; provided, however, that the terms of any applicable law now or hereafter enacted that is based on or similar to the uniform computer information transactions act drafted by the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws will not apply. Customer authorizes Company to use Customer’s name in any routine list of Company Customers and as a reference. Company may not use Customer’s name in any advertising or press release without the prior written consent of Customer.

Standd, Inc.

Privacy Notice

Last Updated/Effective Date: December 13, 2023

Standd Inc. (“Standd,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) respects your privacy. This Privacy Notice describes the processing of Personal Information (defined below) that is provided, collected, or shared in connection with our relationship with you, including through this website (“Site”) or that is otherwise provided to, or collected by, us in connection with our service platform and other products and services we offer (our “Services”), including when you apply for employment with us.

1.                  Personal Information We Collect

We may collect a range of Personal Information. “Personal Information” means information that uniquely identifies, relates to, describes, or is reasonably capable of being associated with or linked to you.

The types of Personal Information we collect may include:

·          Contact and Demographic Information – If you submit an inquiry, sign up to receive newsletters, join the waitlist for any of our services, or provide information on our Site, we may collect certain contact and demographic information. This may include your first name, last name, email address, occupation, industry, and country of residence.


·          Location Data – While navigating our Site, your mobile device or browser may share your location data, both through WiFi and GPS. We will collect this information based on the settings of your phone and browser.


·          Usage Information – When you use our Site, our servers may automatically record information, including your Internet Protocol address (IP Address), browser type, referring URLs (e.g., the site you visited before coming to our Site), domain names associated with your internet service provider, information on your interaction with the Site, and other such information.


·          Employment Information – If you apply for employment with us, we will collect Personal Information related to your potential employment, including your education and employment history, address and contact information, demographic information, and any other information included in your resume or application.


·          Communication Information – We may collect audio, electronic, or visual information, any data in any files uploaded, emailed or otherwise provided by you; the contents of your communications with us whether via e-mail, via the contact us/inquiry pages, social media, telephone or otherwise, and inferences we may make from other Personal Information we collect.


·          Business Information – We receive from our business partners in connection with provision or use of the Services or in connection with services provided by our business partners, including configuration of the Services.


2.         How We Collect Your Personal Information

·          We May Collect Your Personal Information Directly From You – For example, if you sign up for our newsletter, enter information on the Site, or request information from us.

·          Through Online Tracking Technologies – We and our service providers may use cookies, device identifiers, and similar technologies such as pixels, web beacons, and local storage to collect usage and browser information about how you use the Site. We process the information collected through such technologies, which may include or be combined with Personal Information, to help operate certain features of the Site, to enhance your experience through personalization, and to help us better understand the features of the Site that you and other users are most interested in.

Upon your first visit to the Site, you will be given the option to choose your cookie preferences. Additionally, most browsers provide you with the ability to block, delete, or disable cookies, and your mobile device may allow you to disable transmission of unique identifiers and location data. If you choose to reject cookies or block device identifiers, some features of the Site may not be available, or some functionality may be limited or unavailable. Please review the help pages of your browser or mobile device for assistance with changing your settings.

Some of our service providers or plug-ins may use cookies or other methods to gather information regarding your use of the Site and may combine the information in these cookies with any Personal Information about you that they may have. The use of such tracking information by a third party depends on the privacy notice of that third party. We do not respond to Do Not Track (“DNT”) signals sent to us by your browser at this time. To learn more about how DNT works, please visit

We may use Google Ads and other social media platforms (such as Facebook and Instagram) to serve ads across various websites. Google uses Cookies to collect data about your visits to the Site to generate targeted advertisements to you on other websites that you visit. To opt-out of this type of advertising by Google, to customize your ad preferences, or to limit Google’s collection or use of such data, visit Googles Safety Center and Googles Ad Settings and follow Googles personalized ad opt-out instructions. Opting out will not affect your use of the Site.

To change your preferences with respect to certain online ads or to obtain more information about ad networks and online behavioral advertising, visit National Advertising Initiative Consumer opt-out page or the Digital Advertising Alliance Self-Regulatory Program. Changing your settings with individual browsers or ad networks will not necessarily carry over to other browsers or ad networks. As a result, depending on the opt-outs you request, you may still see our ads. Opting-out of targeted advertising does not opt you out of all ads, just those targeted to you.[BC1]

·          Through Analytics – We may use Google Analytics to collect and process information about your use of the Site. Google sets cookies on your browser or device, and then your web browser will automatically send information to Google. Google uses this information to provide us with reports that we use to better understand and measure how users interact with our Site. To learn more about how Google uses data, visit Google’s Privacy Policy and Google’s page on “How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.” You may download the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for each web browser you use, but this does not prevent the use of other analytics tools. To learn more about Google Analytics cookies, visit Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites.[BC2]

·          We May Also Collect Personal Information From Third Parties – For example, we may receive certain Personal Information from our business partners through providing our Services.

3.                  How We Use Personal Information

To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may use Personal Information to:


·          operate the Site and provide support to our business functions;

·          determine whether we are able to provide our services to you;

·          fulfill customer requests, such as to create an account or complete customer purchases;

·          protect against criminal activity, claims and other liabilities;

·          send you information about our company, products, services, and promotions;

·          support and personalize the Site and our advertising efforts;

·          protect the security and integrity of the Site;

·          provide customer support;

·          the extent required for benchmarking, data analysis, audits, developing new products, enhancing the Site, facilitating product, software and applications development, improving the Site or our services, conducting research, analysis, studies or surveys, identifying usage trends, as well as for other analytics purposes;

·          meet our contractual requirements;

·          comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements and our policies;

·          market, advertise, and provide the Site and our services; and

·          the extent necessary for any other lawful purpose for which the Personal Information is collected.


If you are applying for employment with us, we also use Personal Information to process your job application, to verify the information you have provided in your application, conduct interviews, perform background and reference checks, to communicate with you and answer your questions, to confirm your eligibility for employment, and improve our recruiting processes.  We may also save your Personal Information for future employment opportunities with us.


4.                  Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose your Personal Information in the following circumstances:

·          To Service Providers – When we hire a service provider to help operate the Site or provide the Services, we may give access to Personal Information as necessary to perform the service for Standd. This may include service providers that operate our Site, send our communications, or run our promotions.

·          For Legal Obligation or Safety Reasons – When we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of Personal Information is reasonably necessary to (a) satisfy or comply with any requirement of law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request, (b) enforce or investigate a potential violation of our terms and conditions (, (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise respond to fraud, security or technical concerns, (d) support auditing and compliance functions, or (e) protect the rights, property, or safety of Standd, its users, or the public against harm.

·          In the Case of a Merger or Sale – If and when we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or any form of transfer or sale of some or all of its business, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding. Personal Information may be transferred along with the business. Where legally required, we will give you notice prior to such disclosure.

·          To Business Partners – We may share Personal Information with our trusted business partners. These partners and affiliates may use your Personal Information to, among other things, send you information or contact you about their services and products.

5.                  How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Information

We will retain each category of your Personal Information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Notice, unless otherwise required by applicable laws. Criteria we will use to determine how long we will retain your Personal Information include whether we need your Personal Information to provide you with our Services you have requested; we continue to have a relationship with you; you have requested information or Services from us; we have a legal right or obligation to continue to retain your Personal Information; we have an obligation to a third party that involves your Personal Information; our retention or recordkeeping policies and obligations dictate that we retain your Personal Information; we have an interest in providing you with Personal Information about our Services; or we have another business purpose for retaining your Personal Information.

6.                  How We Protect Your Personal Information

We use commercially reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality and security of Personal Information. However, despite these efforts to store Personal Information in a secure environment, we cannot guarantee the security of Personal Information during its transmission or its storage on our systems.

7.                  Marketing Communications

To opt-out of marketing communications please email us at or by following the instructions included in the email or text correspondence. Please note that, even if you unsubscribe from certain correspondence, we may still need to contact you with important transactional or administrative information, as permitted by law. Additionally, if you withdraw your consent or object to processing, or if you choose not to provide certain Personal Information, we may be unable to provide some or all of our services to you.

8.                  California Privacy Rights

Under California Civil Code Section 1798.83, individual customers who reside in California and who have an existing business relationship with us may request information about our disclosure of certain categories of Personal Information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes, if any. To make such a request, please email us at Please be aware that not all information sharing is covered by these California privacy rights requirements and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response. This request may be made no more than once per calendar year.

9.                  International Use of the Site

This Site is hosted in the United States. If you are visiting this Site from outside of the United States, please note that by providing your Personal Information it is being transferred to, stored, collected, or processed in the United States, where our data center and servers are located and operated.

10.               Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit any Personal Information from children under the age of 13 without verified written parental consent.  In the event that we learn that we have collected Personal Information from a child, we will promptly take steps to delete that information. If you are a parent or legal guardian and think your child has given us their Personal Information, you can email us at

11.               Links to Third-Party Websites

We are not responsible for the practices employed by any websites or services linked to or from the Site, including the information or content contained within them. We encourage you to investigate and ask questions before disclosing Personal Information to third parties, since any Personal Information disclosed will be subject to the applicable third party’s Privacy Notice.

12.               Changes to this Privacy Notice

Please note that we may modify or update this Privacy Notice from time to time, so please review it periodically. We may provide you with an updated Privacy Notice if material changes are made. Unless otherwise indicated, any changes to this Privacy Notice will apply immediately upon posting to the Site.

13.               Contact Us

If you have any questions about our practices or this Privacy Notice, please contact us at